
Miss Penny

Like what I said before,
everything will be alright^^
Life is sweet, future will as sweet as now~

yeah, Miss Penny come back already
The one, who have full of love,
full of imagination
full of energy's Miss Penny is here=)

Two days before,she was in a bad mood~
but now, every sadness all gone!!!!

Haha, I am happy happy happy now^^
anyway, keep it up, Miss Penny!!

Do well in final exam!
Do well in life^^

P/s:simply drop down few words here to let the people who worry me to know!
Miss Penny is alright, dont worry!!
I am back^^
Sorry for no updating recently...busy@@hehe


  1. Tats Penny for u~ ^__^ anyway...all da best in d finals...wish u d very best of luck

  2. Thx^^all the best to you too~~
